Veranstaltungseinladung "Making Temporal Kinships: Thinking Beyond the Project"

Im Rahmen des internationalen Projektes “Neue Schule - Pilotprojekt zum Erhalt von zeitgenössischem Tanz und darstellenden Künsten“ initiiert von der Something Great Collection laden wir herzlich zur Auftakt-Lecture von Prof. Bojana Kunst ein:

Eine Online-Lecture von  Prof. Bojana Kunst (Key-Note, Universität Giesen) zusammen mit Carolina Mendonça (Panelist, Artist), Joanna Leśnierowska (Panelist, Acziun Susch Curator, Museum Such) und Rahel Spöhrer (Moderator, Zeppelin Universität).

14 APRIL 2022 - 14:00 CET 

Der Vortrag, sowie die Panel-Diskussion finden auf Englisch und über Zoom statt. 

Eine Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung ist notwendig und muss bis zum 13.April erfolgen.

In this lecture, I will discuss a specific form of working in the art field, which I name projective temporality. I would like to show how the accelerated productivity of the artists often hides and repress the existing differences between artistic worlds, communities and surroundings. Art often addresses political and social issues and produce critical commentaries of the reality, but very rarely institutionally and structurally makes these differences an intrinsic part of its contexts, economies and conditions; questioning the ways in which art is made, produced and shared. It is therefore especially important to recognize how different economies and uneven geopolitical visibilities are made obscure by the main mode of production, which I name projected temporality. This temporality influences the fast disappearance of performance, but in an asymmetrical way. From this perspective, I would like to touch and speculate about possible “performance collection”, which should stay radically open for the practices of temporal kinship between invisible and fragile performance articulations. The loss of performance is namely not only ontological, but it is happening also because of economic and political reasons: some works and some artistic environments are disappearing more violently than others.


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